Saturday, February 07, 2009

Talks with doors

Is there some particular reason AP keeps writing sentences like this (and we keep running them)?

Detectives were talking to residents of the 10-story co-op with decorative wrought-iron doors on a quiet residential block.

It works a lot better if you let all the descriptive stuff camp out in an appositive: "... residents of the building, a 10-story co-op with decorative wrought-iron doors on a quiet residential block." But that'd mean ... needless words! Omit them! AIYEE!!!

(Unrelated true story: after "Dances With Wolves" came out, there was a brief flurry in my then-employer's sports department of movie-related names. One desker became Screams At Walls, and an especially clueless big-paper castoff was Sits Looking Vacant. Sports people can be fun to have around.)


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